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* St. John's January Special Offering - Merom Conference Center​​​​


* St. John's Bible Study - Sundays at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall​​

* St. John's, Steve Smidley Celebration Of Life - Friday, January 31st at 2:00pm

* St. John's Consistory Meeting - Monday, February 10th at 6:30pm

* St. John's Guild Meeting - Wednesday, February 19th at 6:30pm

* St. John's T-Shirts - If you ordered a St. John's t-shirt, please pick it up from the Fellowship Hall

* St. John's Directory - Please let us know if you have an changes or additions to the church directory.


* Please help support the Clay County Food Pantry - Pantry items especially needed are shampoo (adult and baby) and dishwashing liquid (small bottles). Items always needed include baby food, bath soap, deodorant, tooth-paste, shampoo, paper towels, and facial tissue.



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